How do we work?
In this workshop, 16 people work together every day, 12 of whom have need for special assistance. The main principle of our work is teamwork and community. We plan the production together, divide the tasks, adapt the workplace and the work process to everyone according to their capabilities. Each workshop participant knows how the final product is made from start to finish, each can perform several functions. We are happy that when we work together, we grow, develop, become independent, and with this comes self-confidence, a sense of our individual worth, and the realisation that we are all equal members of society.
A number of people with special needs work in the workshop every day
Each notebook is carefully folded by hand
Everyone finds an opportunity to contribute to the final process
It requires not only concentration, but also attentiveness and diligence
Sorting, counting - our everyday life
The notebooks are covered with a cover in the color of your choice
Only teamwork leads to success
Each person will do what he can
Notebooks are bound with staples or spirals
We cut all products beautifully with the help of an electric guillotine
The uniqueness of our products is the rounded corners
People with and without special needs work together here
Active citizens fund
The AKVILA administration participated in the "NGO Academy" project, where they raised qualifications in the field of NGO administration and organisation. The project promoters interviewed our marketing specialist Jolita Čilvinaitė about our experiences and, most importantly, about the achievements after completing the training. One of them is the successful workshop FULL HEARTS.
Pertvarka project
Our social workshop can only run its activities thanks to our partners, funders and supporters.
From 2024 In April, we became partners in the project "Transition from institutional care to community services in the Capital Region, Central and Western Lithuania Region" (No. 07-018-P-0001), which is carried out by the Kaunas District Municipality Administration together with the Agency for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania. The project is jointly financed by the Kaunas District Municipality and the European Union.
The aim of the project is to provide new forms of community services for adults with intellectual and/or mental disabilities, their families (guardians, carers) and to enable the target group to receive individual services that meet their needs and the necessary help in the community.
This project enables our organization to provide social workshop services for adults of working age with intellectual and/or mental disabilities.
The project implementation period is 2024-2029.

Pertvarka 10 years
In December 2023, the PERTVARKA.LT project "From care to opportunities" reviewed the results of 10 years of activity. On that occasion FULL HEARTS along with colleagues, got into a video about social workshops.